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Decorating with Faith Filled Words

June 11, 2019

Amazing Grace Pillow

You may have noticed a new trend in home decor- decorating with Bible verses, hymn lyrics and other words of Christian inspiration and encouragement. While some would say our society is moving in a more secular direction, this trend would seem to suggest otherwise. In the past couple of years even mainstream retail stores have begun to offer home decor goods that boldly proclaim words of faith and hope. A very interesting development...

Much of this trend began with the wildly popular Joanna Gains of HGTV's "Fixer Upper" series. Joanna incorporates faith filled words into almost every room she styles. Her down-home charm and classic good taste have influenced modern decorating in a powerful way. She has made quite a difference in the world by bringing heartfelt messages of faith, hope and love into America's living rooms. Who would have thought that home decorating could make such an impact for good?

In the same way, even simple folks like us can make a difference in the world when we take the time to build up others with the use of uplifting words. This brings to mind another great woman of faith- Mother Teresa. She said, "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

 So if you enjoy decorating with words of faith, we hope you'll consider these new toss pillows by VHC Brands. They have a simple look with stenciled lettering on a cream background, so the words really shine forth. We think they are super cool, but of course it's really about the faith filled words they contain.

~ We wish you love, joy and peace- today and always. Thanks for stopping by!

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